

Who am us?


Recording Studios



Who am us?


Jeff Seidel
- Unpredictable, but always entertaining, Jeff boasts an extensive history writing, recording, producing, and playing music of all genres.  He brings a level of creative professionalism to the band.  His decorative use of acoustic guitar combined with a natural gift for writing memorable choruses keeps the wandering spirit of Coastal People™ securely grounded and sincere.

Jeff (aka. Jebby) Burns-  Self-proclaimed as the "laziest person in the world," Jebby epitomizes the fresh and free-thinking philosophy that underlies the Coastal People™ sound.  Jebby is a true experimentalist.  His multi-tasking mastery of all things musical, as well as his mechanical know-how as a luthier, enable and ensure the longevity and thriving spontanaeity that propels the group.  http://www.motorheadltd.com/

Mary Lou Sweeney -  Mary Lou's  keen sense of humor and insightful sensitivity require an audiences' full attention.  A late bloomer, Lou trained in classical piano, choral, and violin before emerging as one of the bands most prolific songwriters.  Her easy going style adds dimension and depth to the collective Coastal People sound.

Carol  Blum-  Melodically motivated and musically moody, Carol is a songwriter's songwriter.  Her committment to the pursuit of happiness through self-expression is evident by the volume of her creative works.  Technically innovative within the confines of traditional limitations, Carol manages to cohesively blend lyrical harmony with unexpected simplicity.


Most bands attribute their success to hard work and dedication.  Coastal People™ rely on hardly working.
The main point is to have fun and do what comes naturally when four friends sit around a living room strewn with musical instruments.  Sound happens.  Songs seem to write themselves.  Variety and vision are the common driving force behind each individual's unique songwriting endeavors.  The end result often comes as a surprise, but always comes with a smile.  One harmony begets another.  One line becomes a verse.  One drink turns into a six pack (of what?) and before you know it there's a sock monkey playing the blow piano over your left shoulder.  It's a beautiful thing.  We sincerely hope you get it.

  xo Coastal People™
Someday, we'll all be...


Al photos, lyrics, and web content copyright protected. Copyright © 1994-2011 Jeff Burns unless ontherwise noted